The Battle (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

"The Battle"
Star Trek: The Next Generation episode
Episode no. Season 1
Episode 9
Directed by Rob Bowman
Teleplay by Herbert Wright
Story by Larry Forrester
Featured music Ron Jones
Production code 110
Original air date November 16, 1987 (1987-11-16)
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"The Battle" is the 9th episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation.


Picard is given his old command, the Stargazer, as a gift by Ferengi Daimon Bok who intends to use it as part of a trap to discredit and destroy the Enterprise captain.


On stardate 41723.9, the USS Enterprise has rendezvoused with a Ferengi vessel. After days of waiting, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who is plagued by a headache, grows impatient. The Ferengi finally respond with their Captain, Daimon Bok, requesting to meet Picard.

Picard goes to sickbay where Doctor Beverly Crusher conducts a medical scan. She has no idea what is causing his headaches. In the meantime, Wesley Crusher detects a second vessel approaching. Geordi La Forge identifies the ship as an old Constellation-class starship.

Bok transports to the Enterprise bridge, along with his first officer Kazago. Bok announces that the Federation ship is a "gift" for "the hero of Maxia." Picard is not sure what Bok is referring to, where Data reminds him that nine years ago, at Maxia, he was attacked by an unidentified aggressor which he destroyed. Bok angrily shouts that ship in question was Ferengi.

The viewer magnifies upon the old ship. The nomenclature reads: "STARGAZER". Picard is realizing it's his former command. Bok found the derelict, and offers it as a memento.

Picard tells of the incident at Maxia. The Stargazer suffered damage and the Captain executed what went down in history as the "Picard Maneuver". Gathering warp power, Picard ordered a short burst of speed. The effect made the Stargazer appear in two places at once, allowing Picard to go in for the kill. Unfortunately, he and the surviving crew had to abandon ship.

An away team is sent to the Stargazer. Picard decides to visit his cabin, reuniting himself with a chest of personal items. What he doesn't notice is a glowing sphere hidden inside.

Somewhere on the Ferengi ship, Bok laughs as the sphere in Picard's chest glows brighter, and the Captain is struck by another wave of pain. Beverly comes to his aid and has him sent back to the Enterprise.

Data looks over the Stargazer's logs, alerting Commander William Riker when he finds a discrepancy. It appears the vessel Picard attacked was under a flag of truce. Riker has to notify Starfleet.

Data and La Forge report to Riker that the Stargazer logs were faked. The forger forgot the proper timecode stamps. Picard appears and oddly seems back to normal.

Doctor Crusher meets with Counselor Deanna Troi, wondering about the Captain's peculiar recovery. Wesley shows them a frequency he detected coming from the Ferengi ship. Beverly and Troi race to Riker informing him the signals are affecting the Captain. Riker asks for a location of the Captain and the computer indicates he beamed to the Stargazer.

On the Stargazer, Picard finds Bok waiting for him. The Ferengi activates his sphere. Bok says he is "Collecting on an old debt." explaining that the ship Picard destroyed was commanded by his son. Bok sets the sphere on a seat. He utters, "Die well, Captain!" then transports away.

Back on the Enterprise, Tasha Yar and Worf locate the sphere in the chest that was brought over from the Stargazer. They bring it to Riker, just as the Stargazer raises shields. Yar warns the Stargazer has powered up weapons and is maneuvering to attack.

Riker calls over to Kazago, demanding an explanation. Kazago, once shown the mind sphere, becomes suspicious. He explains the sphere is "a thought maker." a forbidden device. Riker insists that Bok is involved. On the Stargazer, Picard now sees the Enterprise as the unknown threat.

Riker tries to talk sense into the Captain. Picard replies "Do not attack again! We are on a peaceful mission!" Fearing the Picard Maneuver is imminent, Riker asks Data what defense there is against it.

Kazago informs Riker that Daimon Bok has been relieved from command, "for engaging in this unprofitable venture." Data suggests a plan of action against the Picard Maneuver.

The Stargazer makes its abrupt jump to warp, and for an instant, appears in two places at once. Data deflects the ship with the tractor beam and the force nearly knocks Picard from his seat. Riker tells him to look for a sphere, and destroy it. Picard wills himself to blast the sphere with his phaser. He then requests to be beamed back.


See also


  1. ^ a b c d Okuda, Mike and Denise Okuda, with Debbie Mirek (1999). The Star Trek Encyclopedia. Pocket Books. ISBN 0-671-53609-5. 

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